holder's people can spin his comments any way they want to. What he said was pretty clear. He does have a point though, he and obama are both black. But you know, I think they are both arrogant, lying, scumbags and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with the color of their skin. There was a time when I would have voted for Colin Powell. And I was a big fan of Herman Cain. I didn't think he had the experience we need at the helm in the difficult times to come, but he would have been an excellent VP or cabinet member. I would also support Condi Rice for a VP spot.
The race card has been so used and abused by the likes of al sharpton, jesse jackson and all the other race baiting idiots that it has lost it's meaning. Calling someone a racist used to mean something. It used to be an insult that had some sting behind it. Anymore, not so much, because it is used for someones gain and not much more. holder is throwing that thought around to try and gain some sort of an edge.
Like I said the other day, holder shouldn't be asked to resign. He should be fired, tried, and locked up like any criminal should be. He is guilty of a long list of crimes against this Country.
Rep. Trey Gowdy knows that holder played a MUCH bigger role in fast and furious than he is willing to say on TV. It's also a little suspicious that the guy doing the investigation of fast and furious was appointed by holder. That's like the fox guarding the hen house. It's not going to work. And people wonder why the inspector is dragging his feet? Dude, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not even that fucking bright, but even I can see through the bullshit games these people are playing. holder and obama are hoping that either the election takes precedence over this or it blows over. Neither are going to happen.