obama does think the presidency is beneath him. He would much rather be king. If he were king, his word would be law, no more worrying with that pesky congress or Constitution. He could have people flogged or worse for not fainting at his every word.
Don't think those aren't his goals. He would love nothing more than to create his very own kingdom, right here, in our Country. He travels around in one of the most expensive aircraft ever invented, he speaks only to adoring throngs of handpicked listeners. He and his family vacation at only the most luxurious locales at our expense. He can't be bothered with speaking to congress. He passes down his decrees to his underlings and expects them to be followed.
With the media in his pocket and the rest of our elected "leaders" afraid to challenge him, we have given him a kingdom. He is not going to be ready to abdicate that throne in 2012. It's going to be an interesting year leading up to the elections. Stock up on ammo people, I think we are going to need it...
By Michael Goodwin - FoxNews
The words cut like a knife. “What the hell are we paying you for?” Gov. Chris Christie asked of President Obama.
The New Jersey Republican has a gift for getting to the heart of things, and his broadside against the president over the debt bomb is Exhibit A. His assertion, framed as a question, makes the case against Obama better than anything heard from the actual candidates.
Christie’s decision not to run remains a disappointment, but he is a valuable player who can help sharpen the fuzzy aim of Mitt Romney, the man he supports. Christie’s consistent theme is that Obama has defaulted on the responsibility to provide presidential leadership during a national crisis.
On Monday, the GOP heavyweight called Obama “a bystander in the Oval Office” for ducking the congressional committee charged with finding $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions over 10 years.
“I was angry this weekend, listening to the spin coming out of the administration about the failure of the super committee, and that the president knew it was doomed for failure, so he didn’t get involved,” Christie said. “Well, then, what the hell are we paying you for? ‘It’s doomed for failure so I’m not getting involved?’ Well, what have you been doing, exactly?”
The questions are rhetorical in that we know what the president has been doing and why. He plays golf and campaigns.
Governing is beneath him.
He doesn’t talk much to members of Congress or his own Cabinet.
They’re beneath him.
His connection to the public consists of speeches before large crowds, and he ducks behind the curtain and into the security bubble as soon as he finishes.
The people are beneath him.
Warped by a sense of entitlement and self-aggrandizement, Obama refuses to take responsibility for finding practical solutions to problems. He prefers the glory of transformation rather than the roll-the-sleeves-up work of reform.
When he can’t get his way, he appoints a czar and ignores Congress.
Democracy is beneath him.
He could have brokered a deficit deal, but doing so would have demolished his campaign slogan that Republicans are to blame for everything. Any deal would give him ownership of the results, and end the fiction that politics are beneath him.
Read the rest at the link above...