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debbie whatshername schultz is an idiot, that thinks you are stupid...

Please bear with me this evening. I have a nasty cold and I feel like hammered shit. Which, makes me in no mood for a bunch of fucking idiots. Like this retarded bitch...

Can she honestly believe the idiocy she continues to spew from her pie hole? The unemployment rate in October of 2008 was 6.6%, in November 2008 it was 6.8% and in December 2008 it was 7.2%. I got these numbers straight off of the United States Department of Labor website. Anyone can go there and look the data up.

At the same point in his presidency that obama is now, in December of 2003, George W. Bush had an unemployment rate of 5.7%, down from 6.0% in October of 2003.

debbie whatshername schultz is a fucking moron. She is a liar and a dumbass. She knows what she says is a lie, but like anything else with this administration, if you say it often enough and loud enough, some segment of the population is going to believe it. And that's all it takes to convince other dumbasses to once again vote for the head dumbass in charge, obama.

Oh, and just so you know, the 8.6% number that these assclowns keep bragging about is bullshit. Each and every month a number of people drop off of the unemployment roles. When you run out of unemployment they don't count you any more. If you have a job or not doesn't matter. The actual unemployment number is north of 11%, probably closer to 15%. Don't believe anything these people tell you, they are professional liars.
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