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Our government is full of crooks, and dumbasses...

Remember the super committee? Remember how they couldn't accomplish anything? Remember how before the super committee the congress was trying to figure out how to reduce the debt and couldn't? You know all those people that talk about how congress refuses to stop spending more money that the government takes in?

The Feral Irishman touched on this yesterday, but every American should read the Wastebook by Senator Tom Coburn. Be forewarned, it's going to piss you off. It's hard to believe what kinds of CRAP our tax dollars get spent on. Read Coburn's report and you will see that our elected representatives don't care one tiny little bit about us or that we actually have to WORK for the money we send to them in the form of our tax dollars.

One example, our government spends $120 MILLION dollars A YEAR sending  retirement and disability payments to DEAD federal employees. WHAT? How stupid are these people, really? They continued to pay one dead guy for 37 YEARS! They only figured it out when his son, who was cashing the checks illegally, died. Holy crap! These are the people we trust to be good stewards of our tax dollars.

Another example, the U.S. Agency for International Development spent $10 MILLION dollars to create a remake of Sesame Street for Pakistan. Umm. Pakistan. Ok, couple this with another program from the U.S. Agency for International Development that spent $12 MILLION dollars to help industries in Pakistan develop plans on how to use less energy because there are daily power blackouts that last from 4 to 16 hours. The $12 MILLION dollar program was a total waste, so the power problems still exist. So with no power, how are the little children supposed to watch the $10 MILLION dollars Sesame Street?

And this one may be my personal favorite. Children, prisoners and other non-home owning people have earned a whopping $1 BILLION dollars in Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credits. So, how exactly does that work?

You know, most of the things on this list a small in the grand scheme of things, a few MILLION here, a couple of BILLION there. But these clowns NEED TO START SOMEWHERE. This crap added up to $6.9 BILLION dollars in 2011 alone. Everything on Coburn's list would be easy to do away with and it would show us, the people who actually have to earn these wasted dollars, that congress is at least trying to make an effort. They won't do it. They are addicted to spending, and that addiction is worse than any drug...

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