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Thinking about survival skills...

Back in October, I wrote a little about the most basic of survival skills. Since then I have thought a lot about what various skills I would like to enhance. I have downloaded and read several things on the flora in my general area. I want to know what plants are good and which are bad. I want to know if any of them have a medicinal purpose. I have compiled all of this information with the other things already on my thumb drive.

If you haven't started one of these yet, you should think about it. It's nice to have the documents you will need all in one place. If you plan to get information on your local plants, be sure to get good color pictures. I have found that there are lots of things in my general area with the same basic description, but are very different from one another. In a survival situation, getting sick from a misidentified poisonous plant might endanger your entire party.

Another skill I have been thinking a lot about is archery. I've never been a bow hunter and have very limited experience in the area. Both of my Girls have bows and are actually decent shots with them. Normally bow hunting isn't something that would interest me, but as I think more about the survival of my family in a bad situation, the more it seems to make sense. There are times when a gun shot would attract unwanted attention, and my pellet rifle just wouldn't have the knock down power needed. That's where a bow would come in handy.

One other skill that I think Joe Texan and I may figure out together is reloading. I am fortunate that I have a good friend, Big Mullet, who has been reloading for a long time. He can give us pointers on the right gear and what newbie mistakes we can avoid. I would like to be able to reload shotgun shells first and then maybe into pistol and rifle ammo.

I guess the point to this post is that we should all be thinking about the huge amount of skills that would help us to better survive a bad situation. There are so many things I would like to know, but I don't have an unlimited amount of time. Deciding on what will give me the best advantage is the key.

Comment with what skills you have decided to work on...

Here are some places to download documents on prepping and survival...

There are about a million other places to download stuff from. You may have to filter through and disregard some of the weird stuff and just get the things that will help you in your situation. The key is to have as much knowledge available as possible.
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