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Former players to sue NFL...

A bunch of former players have decided to sue the NFL. These guys are claiming they didn't know concussions could lead to brain injury. Ok. Well. Hmmm. Let's see, 200+ pound guys running at full speed and knocking their heads together. I guess I can see where that could create some confusion, you get the dual thing I had going there.

Anyway, I find it hard to have sympathy for guys making more in a year than I have made in my entire life. Matter of fact, I thought having a risky job was one of the justifications for the grossly over payment these guys receive.

When you make that much money, you should probably set a little aside for the assisted care facility you will need later in life, maybe buy one less half million dollar car or something.

I'm not mad at these guys for the amount of money they make. It pisses me off that they know full well that there is risk in what they do, they are compensated for that and they still want to sue somebody. Holy crap. Nobody forced these guys to go into the NFL and make millions of dollars. Sometimes the reward is worth the risk and sometimes it isn't. Personal responsibility, what the hell happened to it?

One of the articles I read on this today had some interesting comments. One guys suggested they essentially turn the NFL into a touch or two below league. Basically do away with tackle football. Right, do you think anyone would pay $80 bucks a ticket and $40 bucks to park to see a two below game? Hell no, these guys would be making minimum wage.

And before you decide to comment and say that the NFL hid or manipulated data, don't do it, it's bullshit. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that what these guys do is dangerous. If they think that knocking heads with another huge guy is safe, they have bigger problems than what they sustained in football.

Most of them having been playing football since peewee league. The injuries they are complaining about now could have occurred at virtually anytime during their lives. I'm sure the NFL has a fair amount more money than their High School or peewee coach...
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