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Preppers beware...

I received an email a couple of days ago from a person I think a lot of. The email was a warning that many of us have heard before and may have disregarded. He has it on VERY good authority that the federal government is keeping a list of those people who are stocking up on food and other necessary items.

If you are stocking up, do so with some caution. Pay cash for your stuff. Don't buy from someone that requires you to show id or wants to document who you are and what you are buying. Check your local area for one of the Mormon Home Storage facilities. Not all of the centers provide services to non-members, but it's worth a look. They sell long term storage food items at cost. Just so we are clear, I'm not a mormon, so it's not like I have an affiliation, just passing along what I have learned.

My Bride and I were discussing this very thing last night. She was stunned that the government would want to keep a list of who has stored food items and didn't understand why they would do such a thing. In the event of an emergency, there will be some haves and a whole bunch of have-nots. The federal government will try to minimize the have-nots with YOUR stuff. Be careful about where you buy your stuff. Don't make it common knowledge that you are stocking up.

My Bride and I figured about how many people would wind up at our house if things were to get bad. We figured the number to be around 30. How many will you have? Our number is immediate family only, and Joe Texan and his crew, but they are family too. How long do you plan to live on what you have stored?

One other bit of knowledge I instilled upon my Bride, out of the 30, with the exception of Joe Texan, I'm the only one that could actually pull the trigger in defense of my loved ones. That's kind of a heavy weight to be carrying around, but one I am willing to do for my family. Give that a thought. How far are you REALLY willing to go when push comes to shove?
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