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Hog Invasion...

My friend Matt called me a while ago and asked if I had seen the picture he sent me. I checked my and took a look. Check out what was walking around in his yard this afternoon.

That is a wild hog boys and girls. He didn't realize at the time that it was wild. He called the Sheriff to check if the neighbors had any loose piggies. None did. He is regretting not shooting the thing now. Keep in mind, we don't live in Texas or Louisiana, not even Oklahoma. This was taken in the northern half of eastern Kansas.

These critters aren't like the invasive snakes and stuff they have in Florida. There aren't climate limitations for these guys. They will eventually be in every State in this Country. And they breed like cats.

Matt won't make that mistake again. He needs to keep the old Mosin Nagant loaded up...
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