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The tsa never ceases to amaze...

What bunch of fucking morons. The tsa in Virginia stopped a 17 year old girl and detained her long enough for her to miss her flight, because of A GUN DESIGN ON HER PURSE. It wasn't a real gun, or a fake gun, or a watergun or a son-of-a-gun, it was a design on a freakin purse.

OMG. Does the stupidity never end? The girl was told the purse was a federal offense.

Holy shit. These are the morons we are entrusting with our security?

I tell you what, if I can't drive to a destination, I won't be going. I refuse to be treated like a criminal in my own Country. I know what you are thinking, "Billybob, not everyone gets screened or scanned, what makes you think you will?" Several  things, with all the hell I raise on this blog, don't you think my name might be on a list or two? And second, I have a steel plate and 4 screws in my leg. I'm going to set off a metal detector and then it's on. Third, I'm a former Marine, a Veteran, according to janet napolitano, that makes me a domestic terrorist. Fourth, there are a whole lot of other reason that I won't go into at this point.

And to those of you that think I don't have rights when I fly, that's bullshit. And until someone with an understanding and a belief in the Constitution is in charge of this Country and does something about the jackbooted thugs at the tsa, I'll drive.
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