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Pelosi: I’ll reveal information on Gingrich 'when the time is right'

A couple of things come to mind. 1. pelosi has a whole mess of skeletons in her closet, maybe she should consider what Newt knows about her before she opens a can of worms. 2. The democrats really seem to be scared of Newt. His rise in the polls are due to his ability to come up with common sense solutions to the problems facing our Country.

This isn't to say that I am on board with Newt, but as the options dwindle away, he seems to be the best of what we have left. Romney just isn't the guy, in my opinion.

It's going to be funny when pelosi decides "the time is right". She is one crooked, insider trading, wicked witch bitch and it will be nice to see the tables turned on her.

The made up attacks on Herman Cain were effective because Cain hasn't been a long time politician. You don't think a man with the experience of Newt Gingrich won't have an arsenal of dirt on each of his detractors? And  Newt is so much more intelligent than pelosi, it will almost be unfair. I'm looking forward to it...

By Alicia M. Cohn - The Hill

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is holding back some information on Republican Newt Gingrich that could detract from his presidential campaign, according to a report published Monday.

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff."

Gingrich, who served as Speaker of the House, worked with Pelosi in Congress from 1987 to 1999. Pelosi also served on the ethics committee that investigated Gingrich for tax cheating and campaign finance violations in the late ’90s.

Gingrich reacted to Pelosi's comments by thanking her for an "early Christmas gift."

He also said Pelosi would be violating House rules and abusing the ethics process if she disclosed anything from the ethics investigation.

"That is a fundamental violation of the rules of the House," Gingrich said in New York following a meeting with Donald Trump. "She's now prepared to totally abuse the ethics process."

Releasing the material would show the "tainted ethics process the House was engaged in," Gingrich said.

The ethics investigation of Gingrich took place when Republicans controlled the House. Gringrich resigned from the House in 1998.

Responding to Gingrich's comments, a spokesman for Pelosi said the former Speaker was "clearly referring to the extensive amount of information that is in the public record, including the comprehensive committee report with which the public may not be fully aware.”

A spokesman for the House Ethics Committee declined to comment on "current rules in the context of allegations concerning past conduct, or hypothetical future conduct governed by past rules."

Read the rest at the link above...
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