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Debate tonight...

The debate just ended. It was interesting. Diane Sawyer really shouldn't be moderating debates. She seemed a little out of it. She may be like that all the time, I don't watch her ever so I don't know for sure.

Rick Perry looked good. He made some good points. I'm still a fan, I just wish there was some consistency to the guy. He has made some serious mistakes, but I think at the end of the day, he would make an excellent president. His back and forth with Romney was more of the same old stuff though.

Mitt Romney may have missed his calling. He should have been an actor. The entire Country is longing for a leader with conservative values, Romney knows this and is trying to say and do all the right things to appear to be that leader. He isn't a conservative. Never was. I'm afraid if he is elected, we will find out very soon that he is barely even a rino. His attempt to make a bet with Rick Perry seemed extremely arrogant and showed him to be the elitist that he is. His ability to make a $10,000 wager without batting an eye was telling.

Rick Santorum said all the right things. He has done away with the arrogance that he demonstrated in the earlier debates. He does have a conservative record. I'm wondering why he hasn't gained any traction in the polls. His support and advocacy for family and family values is unique among the candidates. I applaud him for it. It is something this Country has been lacking for far too long.

Newt Gingrich looked good tonight. He was attacked from all sides and still managed to make some very good points. He stands head and shoulders above the rest in knowledge of the history of our Country and what has and hasn't worked in the past.. His comment about Mitt Romney not being a career politician because he was defeated by ted kennedy was great. It's also very true. Newt has a lot of baggage and a history of taking multiple sides on issues. I would like to think that he has changed positions on issues because he has grown and matured. But then maybe he is telling us what he thinks we want to hear. I can't get 100% comfortable with him.

Michele Bachmann is a true conservative. I don't know how seriously she is taken in Washington though. Something about her still bugs me. Her attack this evening on Romney and Gingrich was a little over the top. I think she could have used her time better explaining her views instead of beating those guys up.

Ron Paul always makes good points. I don't agree with some of what he says. I think the world needs a rational voice to help when things go bad. We are that voice. We have been that voice for many, many years. It has helped define this Nation. We don't always need to be the world's police force, but we have an obligation to protect those who can't protect themselves. Paul's knowledge of the federal reserve is second to none. He is right about everything concerning that organization. He is extreme on some other areas that I will never be able to agree with.

It bothers me more than a little that the candidates have begun to attack each other. Some of the attacks have been pretty nasty. I think that these guys should be contrasting themselves with obama and letting the voters pick from there. As the candidates are narrowed down to a nominee, they will take plenty of abuse from obama and his gang of thugs. There is no need to give them extra firepower from the Republicans.

If you want to comment on the debate or how I saw it, feel free...
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