On Black Friday the FBI confirmed a record number of background check forms, 129,166. About a 32% increase over the previous high of 97,848 in 2008.
What do these numbers mean? Some people say it is just first time gun buyers cashing in on sale prices. Others, like the brady center to prevent gun violence don't think it amounts to much of anything.
Myself, I think people are starting to take the warning signs seriously. With europe in full melt down mode and our congress and obama doing every thing in their power to steal away our rights, people are concerned. It's only a matter of time before we start having riots and violence in our streets like they have seen elsewhere in the world.
Who will protect you when the violence starts? Nobody. The police will have their hands full. You will be on your own. If you don't own a firearm yet, you should think about getting one soon.
I've said this before, it is your duty, your obligation to protect your family and yourself. You are planning to rely on someone else, you may live to regret that.
If you want a gun and don't know where to get started, your local pawn shops probably carry used firearms. Cabela's always has something on sale. While you can buy all kinds of weapons online, I would recommend that a first time purchase be done locally in person so you see how the process works. After that, places like Bud's Gun Shop and Cheaper than Dirt have great deals and offer free or reasonable shipping to your FFL.
I have had hundreds of hits on this post about shotguns as a home defense weapon. They are an excellent choice for someone of about any skill level for home protection. As for a concealed carry weapon, there are literally hundreds of good options and hundreds more bad ones. Research is the key to finding the perfect weapon for concealed carry. Firing lots of different weapons will help to find the one that best suits you. Smaller isn't always better. If you have questions, email me and I will help you find answers...
And for a little more inspiration, check out this post. This random act of violence may help you decide if you need a gun or not...