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bank of America must have REALLY screwed up...

Have you noticed all of the bank of America commercials on TV lately? It makes me wonder how many customers they lost with their "$5.00 a month fee to access your own money" experiment.

How could that have seemed like a good idea to anyone? People in this Country are sick of being taken advantage of. What bank of America, and all big companies, need to understand is that there are lots of other businesses out there doing the same thing they do. If we feel we are being screwed we will take our business elsewhere.

I'm sure there are some people who will be sucked in by the TV commercials, but those that left bank of America because of the fee, most of them won't go back.

Go to YouTube and type in bank of America. Check out all of the videos people have posted about hwo and why they dislike bank of America. There are a bunch of them...

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