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eric holder is a liar and a scumbag...

You have probably heard all about eric holder's grilling on Capital Hill yesterday.

holder and obama are two peas in one rotten pod. Neither of these arrogant pricks will ever accept any amount of blame for their actions. Through the entire process yesterday, holder refused any responsibility for fast and furious.

He even went so far as to say that it is unfair to blame fast and furious for the death of Agent Brian Terry. Don't forget that it was a gun allowed to walk across the border that killed Agent Terry. And also keep in mind that it wasn't the only gun at the scene that had been ALLOWED TO CROSS THE BORDER BY THE ATF AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.

eric holder admitted that he has never called the family of Brian Terry to apologize or even offer condolences. What a scumbag. holder belongs behind bars. Every single day he is allowed to walk free upon this earth he further damages our Country and threatens our National security.

One last thing, don't forget chuck schumer trying to blame the Bush Administration and cover for holder and the atf. It will never stop amazing me that democrats absolutely refuse to back away from the line even when crimes up to and including murder have been committed. This should show the Country a thing or two about where their loyalties lie, and it certainly isn't with this Nation or it's citizens...

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
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