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Test of the NATIONAL emergency broadcast system...

What do you make of the National test of the emergency broadcast system?

Up until obama and his gang of thugs came into power, I was never a conspiracy theorist. I haven't been one to see the boogie man where he doesn't exist.

I just can't help but imagine all kinds of nefarious uses this bunch of criminals can use the system for.

I just keep thinking that not long before the 2012 elections it will be used. I think it will be used to let us know that obama has declared martial law. Under martial law there wouldn't be an election. I hope I am wrong and that it is my imagination playing tricks on me. But then who would have ever imagined congress passing a War and Peace sized bill that they never read? And that they would pass that law through the use of blackmail, extortion and by breaking most of the rules governing congress?

It's a weird world we live in all of a sudden.

Stock up on ammo people, I think we are going to need it very soon...
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