This isn't rocket science, if you are a politician (or political advisor) and an 18 year old kid with 16 twitter followers tweets that you suck, don't make a big stink about it and start demanding an apology. Next thing you know, it's news all over the world, the kid suddenly has thousands of followrs and you look like a flaming douchebag.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, if you are a politician and you want an advisor that won't let you walk into a total shit storm, drop me an email, maybe I can help you out.
And here is some free advice, if you are so fucking thin skinned that you are going to get your panties in a bunch about every little negative comment about you, get a new job dumbass.
If you aren't familiar with this story, cbsnews will fill you in...
Brownback screws the pooch...
7:05:00 am