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I'm not gonna say I told you so...

Remember all those times that I said obama was even a worse president than jimmy carter? Well now it's official. obama's poll numbers are lower than jimmy carter's numbers were at this same point in their term.

43%. Holy crap, how are they that high?

It is really amazing though that someone can be worse than jimmy carter. It's almost like you to try to suck that bad. It would be funny if it weren't so hard on our Country.

But you know, jimmy carter has to be down on his knees praising the gods that forced obama on us. It must be a tough gig being known as the worst president in the history of our Country.

The worst part about it though, is that obama is such an arrogant prick that he doesn't think he sucks at all. It would be so much sweeter if he realized the magnitude of his suckness.

I wonder if any of his people tell him how much of an absolute disaster his presidency is? I'm willing to bet they don't. Most of them seem to be as conceited as he is, so they are probably clueless too.

Less than a year from now let him know exactly how we feel when it counts...

jimmy is happy

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