OMG! How many women are the democrats going to be able to dig up to accuse this guy of stuff?
I've found I'm not as big a fan of Herman Cain as I was in the beginning but it has nothing to do with these accusations. We've been over that. His stance on gun control is a little scary.
As far as these women accusing him of various things, most of it is going to be he said, she said. And I always get a little skeptical when gloria allred has her face plastered all over the TV.
Here is the part that kills me. Right now the accusations are front page news every where you look, but when these women are discredited or they claims are proven to be false, will THAT be front page news? No, it will be buried in there somewhere, but certainly not out front for everyone to see. And do you think anyone will apologize to Herman Cain for attempting to assainate his character? Haha, not bloody likely!
Herman Cain seems to be a stand up guy. I can imagine that in his business life he was a true professional. Could he have made some comments that were misinterpreted? Sure. Does that stuff happen all the time? Yep. Do I believe these women actually had a case against him? I doubt it. I do think sometimes people want to get paid and big shots can make good targets.
Why now is this becoming a huge deal? Because Cain was surging in the polls and it was freaking some people out. Maybe it was one of the republican candidates, but my money is on this being somehow linked to obama and his gang of thugs...