The supreme court has agreed to hear the case against obamacare. Well, it's about freakin' time. They should have been all over this months ago. kagan has been asked to recuse herself from the case. As well she should.
26 States have joined the lawsuit against this abomination. It's unConstitutional. It's anti-American. It is a job killer. It's a health care killer.
Many more people are without health care now than before obama and democrats rammed this mess down our throats.
The supreme court, based only on the merits of the case, should have no trouble finding that this to be a violation of the Constitution. But you can bet that politics will play a major role. I'm not sure how it will go. It's funny, about half of the lower courts that have heard the case so far find that it is unConstitutional and the other half say it isn't. It's amazing how judges can all read the same document and come up with entirely different interpretations of it's meaning.
Our Constitution isn't a document that needs to be interpreted. It's pretty clear what our Founding Fathers had in mind. And you can bet your ass, obamacare isn't it.