I took my 12 year old Nephew, my Little One and Joe Texan to the shotgun range today. My nephew has just a little bit of shotgun experience. He got to shoot at Boy Scout camp a time or two.
I have to tell you, the kid is a natural. He takes direction well, he gets on target quick and practiced good range safety.
My Little One didn't do so great today. I don't know what her problem was. She appeared to be shooting over the clay pigeons. It sure wasn't like her.
Joe Texan is still trying to warm up to his new Stoeger. I think he is still overthinking shooting trap. You have to understand something about the guy, he is absolutely the smartest human I know. He is a logical thinker. When he is faced with a challenge, he thinks it through and solves it. Shooting trap doesn't require that much thought. You do your part and let the gun do it's part. He needs to relax and let the gun to it's job.
I didn't shoot worth a damn on the first round, maybe 15 out of 25. The second round though, I hit 22 out of 25 and one of the misses wasn't my fault. The range guy launched the pigeon before I said pull and I wasn't prepared. I shot a round of skeet after that. Awful. I was behind everything. It sucked. I need more practice, lots more practice.
It's hard to get pictures while we are all shooting. I thought about drawing some, but since I can't even draw stick figures, I didn't.