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More Tomahawk Stuff...

c w swanson at daily timewaster has some cool pictures of some Indian Tomahawks and a little more history of the tool/weapon.

I'm thinking that I am going to order a couple of different Tomahawks, and let me tell you why...

The SOG F01T appears to have more versatility as a tool. The back end of the head isn't sharp, it is pointed, but sort of a pyramid shape. It also has an area in the center of the head that can be used as a makeshift hammer. The SOG product has a lifetime warranty.

The United Cutlery M48 Tomahawk appears to be more of a weapon, while still being effective for some light wood chopping or door breaching. The back end of the head is more of a sharply pointed blade instead of a blunt striking tool. I didn't see any warranty information on this one.

Both of these weigh in at about 24 to 26 ounces and are about the same length of 15 inches. Light enough to carry on a hike, but heavy enough to perform decent for lots of different tasks. When I have them in hand I will let you know what I find out.
The Indian Tomahawk in this picture is a fiercesome looking weapon.
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